Saturday, July 21, 2012

Trailer Review: Man of Steel (2013)

With The Dark Knight trilogy put to rest, it was only a matter of time before Hollywood started up the next big superhero franchise and after the dismal "Superman Returns" from 2006 they've decided to reboot the Superman series with "Man of Steel." Now if you really no me, you know I am not a fan of Superman. I have always found the character boring and don't like that he is basically indestructible as a superhero unlike Batman who was flesh and bone and actually could get hurt. I was pretty skeptical of the rebooted franchise especially with Zach Snyder in charge who I have never really been a fan of but my entire prospective on the film changed when I heard that Christopher Nolan who directed The Dark Knight trilogy would be producing this film and giving this series a real world element just like he gave to The Dark Knight, and I was sold right away on it. The first teaser trailer was shown during the previews of "The Dark Knight Rises" and I have to say while it was good, I was expecting a little more. The trailer did show the real world aspect people were expecting but they didn't feature a lot of the story and was a lot different from the teaser released at comic-con which featured a lot more action and look at the story. The best thing about the teaser in my opinion was the voice-over narration by who I believe was Kevin Costner who is portraying Jonathan Kent. The thing I liked most about it was that it really shined a light on how important Clark Kent is as a character and the conflicted nature that lies within which is something that is glossed over a lot in the Superman Comics and Movies. The film also seems to be taking a different approach on the origin story which is something I really apreciate as with all the Superman movies and "Smallville" giving us the origin story, it was beginning to feel a little played out and really didn't want to see it again. While this trailer didn't get me as excited for this film as I had hoped, it has me interested and this early in the game means it did it's job . I also really liked that scene that looked like it was filmed with an old Super 8 camera of Clark wearing the cape and jeans in the yard. It was really great moment featured in the trailer.

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