Thursday, July 19, 2012

Film Review: The Dark Knight Rises- The IMAX Experience (2012)

Director: Christopher Nolan

Cast: Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman, Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway

MPAA Rating: Rated PG13

                      Batman has finally return!!! Following an 8 year forced exile after the events of "The Dark Knight" which saw Batman taking the blame for Harvey Dent's crimes and become a hated symbol among the city. It's not until the new big bad, Bane (Tom Hardy), comes to Gotham looking to carry out Rah-jah-gul (Liam Neeson) plan from "Batman Begins" and bring Gotham to its knees.

The thing I have always enjoyed about this film series in comparison to all other films is its groundedness in real world society. The battle between the 1% and the 99% gave a lot of good scenes and made you really feel a connection to why these people were acting the way they were.
                                        The story of the film was really good and the only problem I really had with the story especially with the fist half of the film was the slow buildup. The film had a lot of ground to cover with the film taking 8 years later but basically for the whole first half of the film you feel like we're going nowhere with the film but once we hit the climax the film takes off. The cinematography of the film really blew me away with this film. The fight scenes and scenery that is shown in the last act of the film with the big confrontation look as real as anything right outside are door would look and with that type of realism you really feel more connected to what is going on screen. The story also brought in a few story elements of "Batman Begins" to help tie the film together as a trilogy. The storylines sometimes are convulted and tangle with eachother as some points and you can argue that Christopher Nolan brought in too many storylines into the film, and I do feel that the film tried to do to much and with a little less sub plots, the film could have had a lot more room to breathe but the storylines are still richly emersing that you can overlook the crowdedness of the movie.

                                       The film also brings in a lot of new faces to the fold such as Selina Kyle/Cat Woman (Anne Hathaway), Det. John Blake (Joseph Gordon Levitt), Miranda Tate (Marion Colitiard), and Bane (Tom Hardy). The cast fit really good with the characters we had already known for the last two movies. I liked Batman getting help from Selina Kyle, with him and Anne Hathway having good on-screen chemistry that helped elevate their material even higher. Tom Hardy, I believe had the hardest job of them all which was to follow Heath Ledgers' phenominal performance as the Joker back in "The Dark Knight". Tom Hardy portrays Bane as a menacing tyrant and I honestly believed if they wouldn't have had the backstory they would have had for the character he would have went down as one of the best film villains of all-time. Most people complain that the mask hindered Tom Hardy's portrayal of Bane but I honestly believed it added to it. The mask and the pain he faced from having to wear the mask added a new dimension to the character that otherwise wouldn't have been there. If one of the characters in the entire film stole the show it would have to be Anne Hathaway as Catwoman as after two disastorous portrayals of the characters in movies, someone finally got it right and I honestly believe only Anne Hathaway could portray the chracter of someone who was forced into the lifestyle and honestly wants to change but circumstances of life keep getting in her way. She portrayed the pain of this character to the point where you were completely lost in her character. All of the original returning actors - Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman, Christian Bale, and Michael Caine gave another great round of performances as would be expected with this fine group of actors.
                                      One person I believe that deserve a lot of credit for the sucess and popularity of these films is a man who isn't behind the camera or on screen but the one who composes the score done by Hans Zimmer. The score of the film was completely perfect and every scene was portrayed with the perfect sound that either made us feel happy, sad, or honestly worried for our characters and I believe when you have a score as good as this, then you can hit the audiences from a whole new perspective.
                                     When you look back at Christopher Nolan's trilogy, you have the fans who don't like the grounded dark and gritty take on Batman but honestly Batman is a dark hero whose whole life had been feeled by tragedy. Christopher Nolan did an incredible job bringing this character to a real world setting and this is where these films surpass films like "Marvel's The Avengers" which focuses on more cartoonish and light hearted humor. This is just a showing of what happens when you have a director and cast who care a lot about the characters and are allowed to give their vision of a film to the pubilc. Even when you can sympathize with a villain such as Bane, then you are doing something right. This film doesn't just work as a great superhero film, but a great film in general and if you are not feeling an emotional in the final shots of the film then you will never get emotional in a film. Christopher Nolan's ending to the Batman trilogy was just about perfect and a real true ending for all the characters and I dare any director to try and reboot or ever make another Batman movie in the near future as these films will stand the test of time as the greatest trilogy ever made. If you are considering seeing the film in IMAX, I recommend you see it as it as a great experience to witness but if you only see it in regular format then you will still have the same type of experience the rest of us had. I recommend everyone see this film as I honestly believe that it will be a good long time before a film like this comes back alone.

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Final Grade: A

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