Friday, September 27, 2013

Don Jon (2013) - Film Review

Director: Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Starring: Joseph Gordon- Levitt, Scarlett Johannson, Juilianne Moore, Tony Danza, Brie Larson

Rating: Rated R for strong graphic sexual material and dialouge throughout, nudity, language, and some drug use.

A New Jersey guy dedicated to his family, friends, and church, develops unrealistic expectations from watching porn and works to find happiness and intimacy with his potential true love.

Initial Reaction:

From the moment I heard Joseph Gordon-Levitt was directing, writing, and starring in a film I was instantly sold. Joseph Gordon-Levitt has been one of my favorite actors of the past couple years with turns in "Brick", "50/50", "The Dark Knight Rises", and most recently "Looper" which were all great films that he did incredible in.  When I heard what the premise of the film was about, which is porn addiction, I was a little off-put. Something like porn and sex addiction are hard subject matters to bring to the big screen but when this film got its debut at the Sundance film festival in January it got outstanding reviews where people were putting this as an early awards contender. Even though I found the subject matter a little to uncomfortable recent films such as "Shame" proved that if you have good acting, writing, and directing then a good movie can be made with this. Sadly after watching "Don Jon" I have to say I was disappointed. Parts of the film work mainly in Joseph Gordon-Levitt's acting and directing, but the story is ultimately where the film falls flat as they miss the mark on telling a meaningful story.

Plot (2.5/5):

Like I stated above, "Shame" is the perfect example of how to tell a film about sex and porn addiction. That film featured a truly broken character who made you sympathize with him. Joseph Gordon-Levitt's character in this film doesn't make you feel that way. His friends call him "Don Jon" because of his ability to pull attractive women week after week. With Michael Fassbender's character in "Shame" even though he's doing these terrible things you're able to sympathize with him and you feel as though this is addiction and with Joseph Gordon-Levitt's character in this film you find it hard to find any likable qualities in him and that brings a detachment from the film as he is featured in every scene mostly. The best part of this film features the friendship between Julianne Moore's character with Joseph Gordon-Levitt as she is a woman going through a tragedy herself and their friendship feels real and feature the most meaningful parts of the entire film. The film features no real sub-plots as the rest of the supporting cast are really just filler for scenes and to give Joseph Gordon-Levitt more to work with. The last third of the film it does improve as Joseph Gordon-Levitt's character tries to better himself the story picks up but its still bogged down, by the main character.

Directing (3/5):

I do give Joseph-Gordon Levitt credit for making his directorial debut something as controversial a topic as this. After watching this film I definitely see a good director in him. He use a independent style of film making that makes the film more personal that really elevates a subject matter as this. Also I give him credit for being one of the only people to make New Jersey look like a good place as his shots really do a good job of showcasing the city. Where his director falters is tonally as he tries to find a direction for this film. The film is a comedy and he tries to balance comedy, drama, and romance in this topic and it ends up feeling uneven. I feel something like sex and porn addiction can be done in a comedy way but a director really has to walk a fine line between comedy and drama and the film falls to much on the comedy and the creates a detachment like I stated earlier. If jokes are being made about his addiction why do we care if they don't even take it seriously. Most critics have dubbed this film as "Confident" and I definitely believe he was confident in making this film but almost too confident. Also serving as director, writer, and star of this film and producing this film under his own company, he has no one to answer to. Film making is a collaborative process and if JGL would have worked more with people on this film I feel it would have served the film better.

Acting (3/5):

The acting in this film is really good. Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays the tough Bronx playboy perfect. He made me feel like I was watching an episode Jersey Shore. Sometimes I felt his character was too one sided instead of layered but he did the best strangely with his own material. The only other two actors in the film that really have anything to do are Scarlett Johannson and Julianne Moore. Scarlett Johannson is mainly in this film because she is hot, no other real reason. Her character was intriguing. Her relationship with Joseph Gordon-Levitt is shown a lot in montage and narration from him so we never really see her motivations in their relationship, but I enjoyed her in the film she's fine. Julianne Moore though is the star of this film. All the best material I believe really goes to her. She played her character great. I almost became more engaged in her story than Joseph Gordon-Levitt's. Her interplay with him and just her presence really elevate the film. The rest of the cast like I stated earlier are really one-dimensional as they really all serve a need to Joseph Gordon-Levitt's character. I don't think he's egotistical, but after watching this film it really felt like JGL used this film to showcase himself and nothing else. He is in every scene I'm pretty sure and it makes it harder to get invested in any of the other characters. One of my favorite actresses, Brie Larson, is also in this film as JGL's sister and she has one line in the entire movie spite being in the entire film and it ends up being my favorite lines of the movie. JGL had talented actors I just wish he would of showcased them a little more. 

Replay Ability/ Recommendation (2.5/5):

Finding who this film is for feels like a challenge in itself. I can't see couples wanting to see this as the topic of porn and relationship will probably be unsettling for some. I mainly saw this film because I was a fan of JGL and I really can't even recommend it on the fact of being a fan of him. The film is just so disjointed that it makes it really hard to get invested in. The film features great acting and good directing and certain parts of the story do work. The highest recommendation I can give for this film is mainly a rental on Netflix or at Redbox, sadly as much as I wanted to like this film I can't rate it any higher than that.

Final Grade: 2.8/5 (C+)

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