Sunday, March 10, 2013

Dead Man Down (2013) - Film Review

Director: Niels Arden Oplev

Cast: Collin Farell, Terrence Howard, Noomi Rapace, Dominic Cooper, Isabelle Hupert
Rating: Rated R for violence, language throughout, and a scene of sexuality
In New York City, a crime lord's right-hand man is seduced by one of his boss's victims, a woman seeking retribution.

                      "Dead Man Down" was my first truly anticipated film of 2013. A film lined with great actors with Collin Farell, Terrence Howard, Noomi Rapace, and Dominic Cooper topped off with a great director in Niels Arden Oplev who directed the 2009 version of "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" who brought a very European art style that many action films around these parts don't use. The film also had a very good marketing campaign that made me more intrigued to see the film. From the trailers and TV spots I didn't fully know what the movie was about just the basic outline that this was a revenge movie. After seeing "Dead Man Down" all more worries regarding this movie were blown away as this is the best film I have definitely seen all year. The film features a fresh take on a tired genre layered with great characters portrayed perfectly by an all star ensemble. The only main problem I had with the entire film was the ending and one plot point.
                        To avoid spoilers I am not going to go fully into the plot so that know one will be spoiled of the movie. The most I will say about the plot was that while it is a plot that has been done multiple times, it did offer a fresh take on the plot. The film starts in the middle of the action so you get flashbacks throughout the film explaining what is going on. It makes the audience doing a lot of thinking and make inferences about what had happened previously in the film. The film also took a lot of risks in plot and execution which I feel was a breath of fresh air as the director didn't dumb down the film for the audience but made it more realistic and relatable. When looking back at the plot of the film they are some things that took away from the film. The main antagonist played by Terrence Howard was sort of unrealistic as he was unable to notice things going right in front of him to the point where he was threatened Colin Farrel for killing his people but let him go not believing it was him even though he gave him a big speech about being the one messing with him. It was a weird moment that I didn't understand why they put it in. Also for a film being so risky the last fifteen minutes of the film also came in a little as cliched. The only reason I didn't let that take away from it as the cast was so incredible that even though the most cliched moments still worked in the film. I wish they would have tooken a little bit more of a risk with the ending but I didn't let it effect the movie as I was still happy with the outcome.
                   The film stars Colin Farell as the titular character and for all the hate he gets from audiences and critics alike I truly believe he is a great actor and in this film he knocks it out of the park. This is what I truly believe to be his best acting performance in a long time. Everything that is asked of his character he is able to deliver with perfection. Noomi Rapace who plays the associate of Colin Farell's was equally as great. Her vulnerability and darkness played a great contrast with Farell's character and made every scene they shared a delight to watch unfold on screen. For as cliched and poorly written Terrence Howard's character was I enjoyed his performance. I wish his character what of gotten as much to do as the rest of the cast but he was still hatable enough to root against in the film. Another standout from the cast who isn't getting as much recognition is Dominic Cooper (Howard Stark from Captain America: The First Avenger) who was an associate under Terrence Howard's character and you really felt for his character and I like the route they took his character in the end.
                     The film marks the first American feature film for director Niels Arden Olpev who directed "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" in 2009 and I really believe his style as a director is what really brought this film up to another level. The film only features a few fight/action scenes but they were really cool and intense with a certain style I don't see in American films. The film also just  looked really nice with the shots and color theme that really put you in the environment took place in. The only complaint about the pacing will go back with the ending. Their was a place I believed the film should have ended close to the resolution that would have made this movie onto another level but on the directing I really have no complaints and would like to see more director's try to take some risks like this with their work.
                      Overall "Dead Man Down" was an incredible emotional revenge film that is layered with interesting characters and great performances. The film was also very risky in execution and payed off big time in execution. With the film's opening weekend returns faltering I hope people will give films like this a chance because I'm afraid if films like this don't make money and films like "A Good Day to Die Hard" make millions that hollywood will go after generic action films like that instead of films like "Dead Man Down." If you can find this film before it disappears I really believe you need to give this film a chance.
Final Grade:  A-

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