Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Sound of My Voice (2012) - Indie Film Review

Director: Zal Batmanglij

Cast: Brit Marling, Christopher Denham, Nicole Vicius, Davenia McFadden, Kandice Stroh, Alvin Lam

MPAA Rating: Rated R for Language including Some Sexual Refrences, and Brief Drug Use
A journalist and his girlfriend get pulled in while they investigate a cult whose leader claims to be from the future.

                                "Sound of My Voice" is hollywood's best kept secret. The film is the brainchild of star Brit Marling (Another Earth) and director Zal Batmanglij and features a group of documentary journalists investigating a cult ran by Brit Marling who is claiming to be from the year 2054 and has came back to save a select few people, in a messiah esque way. The reason this is hollywood's best kept secret is because it spent all of last year claiming awards on the indie festival circuit and received a miniscual theatrical release date but didn't even play at one theater in my home state. This really confuses me as "Sound of My Voice" was one of the most intense thriller's in years and does a lot of things that big hollywood films couldn't even replicate in their films.
                               Starting off with the plot, the whole plot of the cult leader claiming to be from the year 2054 is just awesome. First off, it's original and I love when a film can offer something new to the table. The film also offers a good cat&mouse aspect to the film as the documentary filmmakers look to expose her as a fraud but find themselves being drawn into her group. I also was a big fan of how this film was filmed as the film had a very small budget and you can tell that in the film. I belive it worked more to their advantage as it gives it a more grounded and realistic vibe and makes it that much more intense. Not going into spoilers I'll also say the film offers a lot of twist and turns along the way that our just perfect and just leave you breathless watching as this film trudges along it's quaint 85min. runtime.

                              The film also benefits from some strong acting especially in the cult leader herself played by Brit Marling. What made this perfect as this film was her idea, she co-wrote the screenplay and I feel that worked perfect. I feel when you're that involved you understand your character to a certain level that other people wouldn't get that and she portrays that so perfectly in this film. Her character at some points comes off as the loving mother to her group but if you cross her she has that level off intensity to that can make you cringe in your seat in fear. Strangely that is how I believe a cult leader would act and was just an awesome performance. The other two main characters played by Christopher Denham and Nicole Vicius were also really good. Both of their characters came from tragic pasts so seeing those insights into those characters were really good and every thing these characters did felt very logical and you felt along with them. They also played really well off of eachother and were a good couple in the film, at most points you could really feel how much they care for eachother. Most of the other characters in the film were basically just background characters who didn't offer much to the film just as filler and that's alright as with an hour and a half runtime the film needed to just focus on the main three.
                           The reason that most people haven't liked this movie is they felt it left a lot open, plot-holes, and I can understand them being let down not to know all the answers, but the film is the planned first in a trilogy so we'll get the answers and this film is just the set-up in a bigger story about to be told. To be honest, after I saw the film I didn't even notice all the plot-holes in the film, but if that worries you don't worry there will be more story in this film. Basically I loved "Sound of My Voice", with the delayed US realease I have been anxiously anticipating this film and I can say the film delievered on every level possible and if you can find this film I say watch it as sound as possible and I can't wait to see where the story goes next.

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Redbox Release Date for Sound of My Voice is October 30th. GO SEE IT!!!!!
Final Grade: A

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