Friday, March 30, 2012

Film Review: Wrath of the Titans (2012)

                   Director: Jonathan Liebesman

Cast: Sam Worthington, Edgar Ramirez, Rosamund Pike, Bill Nighy, Liam Nesson, Danny Huston

MPAA Rating: Rated PG13

                        Back in 2010, I witnessed a film that was one of the worst films that I had seen at the theater in a long time and two years later someone got the bright idea that that film needed a sequel and that is what we are given in “Wrath of the Titans.” I originally planned not to see this movie but with the lackluster release schedule alongside The Hunger Games, I was pretty much left with no choice but to see this film.

            The film takes place ten years following the events of “Clash of the Titans.” The main character demi-god Perseus (Sam Worthington) is now living a life of solace alongside his son Helius (John Bell) in a small village. One day his father Zeus (Liam Neeson) pays him a visit to tell him with the lack of humans praying and putting faith in the god’s that their power has begun to fade which in turn will open a gate for the Titans to be released. The film also features a subplot of Hades (Ralph Fiennes) and Ares (Edgar Ramirez) who overthrow Zeus and Poseidon (Danny Huston) planning to drain Zeus of all his power in exchange for them to resurrect their father Kronos and remain immortal and Poseidon goes to Perseus to help him stop Hades. With a set-up like this I didn’t expect anything big from the film but was at least hoping for a good popcorn film and what I got was much, much worse.
            The big complaint I will start off with in this film is the acting. The acting in this film is atrocious from the lead character portrayed by Sam Worthington, who still hasn’t learned how to act after two years, to the always reliable Liam Neeson who couldn’t even make the most out of this lackluster script. With the acting that was given in the film, it was made more difficult to care for any of these characters as we couldn’t empathize and feel the emotions they were portraying on screen which in turn left most of the audience bored. The film also introduces many new characters that were not present in the first film and with a limited running time of only 99 minutes, a lot of these characters are underdeveloped and only serve a purpose to move the story line along such as the character of Queen Andromeda played by Rosamund Pike who had no personal character of her own and only served the role of love interest to Perseus’s character.
            With a relative unknown director at the helm, Jonathan Liebsman, I gave him more of a lean way on the outcome of the film but they are some things that he was responsible for in the film that feel completely flat. One thing I am not a fan of is the shaky cam and in the numerous fight scenes the film produced all featured that as Mr. Liebsman and many other directors believe that shaky cam makes us feel more in the middle of the fight scene but actually only makes us dizzy and keeps us from really feeling the intensity of the scene.  Even though he isn’t the one responsible for the script he still has a hand on what is done in the screenplay of the film and one big complaint out of the script is that the dialogue was really clichéd and wooden and at some points laughable.
            When people look at a film like “Wrath of the Titans”, they usually say they see the film for the action and visual effects and at least in that aspect the film improved. The big complaint about the effects of the 2010 film was that the 3D was choppy and thrown in at random places while this film did create more eye popping scenes that kept me from falling asleep. The one thing that was bad about the visual effects was that some of the creatures portrayed through visual effects looked 100% fake and like they were thrown straight together at the last second and inputted in the scenes. That made it seem as Jonathan Liebsman was lazy and just wanted to get the film done as quick as possible, which I might not blame him for.
            Finally this film is a straight up popcorn flick that lacks the thrills and enjoyment that makes most action films so enjoyable. Looking back and reflecting on this film I believe that other than the few enjoyable action sequences there is no reason you should see this film. All that can be hoped out of this film is that the series is dead and nobody will ever have to suffer a third film


Final Grade: D-   

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